Wednesday, January 29, 2025


We are continuing to get to know the ABC family today.  Mom, Alice, son, Benji, and Dad, Charlie, have moved to a different spot on the lake today to meet their friend, Dave.

Dave likes to hang out in the weedy part of the lake because he thinks there are more fish over there.  Looks like he might be right!

Dave invited his friend Ella to join them for dinner, but he's got her hiding in the weeds as he's not quite ready to introduce her to the ABC family just yet.  If you look closely, you can see her peeking through the tall, viny weeds on the "inside" of the card.

As you may have noticed, Dave's a bit lazy and seems to enjoy watching the fish swim by as he sits in the weeds watching Benji playing in the water close to Mom and Dad cuddling on their log.

Dave invited his friend Frank to dinner also, but I don't think Frank is going to be much help in procuring dinner.    He looks about ready to take a nap as he floats on his back in the water.   I doubt he is going to catch many fish that way.  Ella seems to be the only one alert enough to catch dinner.

She looks like she's got her eyes on that huge school of fish that is swimming across the bottom of the lake.  I think she is ready to pounce!

What do you think?  Are they going to eat tonight?

If you would like the details to make this fun Double Z Fun Fold with the ABC Family and their friends, check out the tutorial at this link for all the details.  

A list of the products used is shown below.

Product List

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